USAF Units: 142nd Fighter Group US Air Force: Units
142nd Fighter Group ANG Portland IAP, Oregon & Kingsley Field, Oregon F-15A/B, F-16A/B ADF, C-26A 114th/123rd Fighter Squadrons

The group has two flying units assigned, consisting of 114th FS with the F-16A and the 123rd FS operating the F-15A. The former squadron was organized in June 1947 as the 114th Bombardment Squadron at Floyd Bennett Field, New York with the B-26B. The unit was ordered to active duty between March 1951 and November 1952 with the B-29A, but reverted to the B-26 when it was returned to state control. The squadron was redesignated 114th FIS in June 1957 with F-94Bs, until inactivated in September 1958. Reactivated as the 114th TFTS at Kingsley Field, Oregon with the F-4C in 1984, the unit switched to the F-16A/B early in 1989 to train ANG interceptor aircrew.

The 123rd Observation Squadron was established in April 1941 and ordered to active service five months later for three years. The 123rd Fighter Squadron was given federal recognition in August 1946 with the P-51D and recalled to active duty in March 1951. The squadron was returned to state control in December 1952 before becoming a Fighter-Interceptor Squadron with the F-86A in mid-1953. The 123rd subsequently operated the F-94B from October 1955, and F-89D from June 1957, followed by the F-89H and J models. The F-102A arrived in January 1966, with the F-101B entering service in March 1971. The unit won the F-101B category at the 1976 and the F-4C section at the 1984 William Tell competitions. Conversion to the F-4C began in 1982 followed by the F-15A in June 1989.